This course is the final course in the MicroMasters program. In addition to reviewing the topics covered in the previous three courses, the course also provided an overview of data-driven learner models, the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model, course quality review tools (including Quality Matters and the OLC Quality Scorecard Suite), and data analytics tools in Learning Management Systems (LMSs). The course also required us to create a capstone project, in the form of a two- to three-week long MicroLesson on the topic of our choice, in order to showcase the skills that we learned in the MicroMasters program.
For my MicroLesson, I decided I wanted to develop a course to help students learn how to create websites using WordPress. Below is a link to the opening presentation for my capstone project, where I had to discuss how I applied learning theories while developing my MicroLesson, as well as a link to the final course that I developed.
Capstone Project Opening Presentation
Creating Websites with WordPress
Note: In order to access some portions of the course, you may need to create a free account with Canvas.